DigitalOutbox 110818 - Podcast #093
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* A podcast all about digital technology - computing, gadgets, gaming
* UK based podcast with a real world take on the digital trends
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* Original music by Paul Fernihough - contact via twittter
V News
V London Riots - Social Media to Blame?
* Off course not...but was used for good
* The @RiotCleanup Twitter page has amassed more than 50,000 followers in fewer than 10 hours and is consistently broadcasting cleanup locations and times, along with other pertinent information regarding the initiative.
* On Facebook, a similar page has emerged as the central location for information on the world’s largest social network.
* And for a more static look at where the action is, is being constantly updated with cleanup location information. In an email interview with Ian, the creator of the website and resident of rural Shropshire, England, he explained:
* “I was sitting at home following the #londonriots hashtag — then I saw #riotcleanup start to appear. I am not in London, but wanted to do something. Near enough simultaneously, I registered as someone else got the Twitter account @riotcleanup going. Then, I just knocked something together as fast as possible and uploaded it!”
* Beyond the riot cleanup, another effort to catch and prosecute looters has taken root, with the Tumblr account “Catch A Looter” accepting and posting images of looters for identification.
* Zavilla - - posting up pictures from the riots asking people to submit names of those they can identify
* Unless off course you read the Daily Mail, Express or Sun - then twitter is to blame for the riots
* Blackberry helping police as will T-Mobile/Orange
* 16 year old Glaswegian arrested over attempts to incite a riot via Facebook
* Twitter traffic sky rockets during riots
* Off course, the government need to blame something
V Social media tools have responsibility
* Home secretary to meet Facebook, Twitter and RIM to discus their responsibiliites
* Why not the mobile phone providers?
* A move to disconnect potential rioters would mark a huge shift in Britain's internet policy, with free speech advocates likely to accuse the government of ushering in a new wave of online censorship.
* Scotland Yard has made a string of arrests of people suspected of inciting the violence across England by using BlackBerry Messenger, Twitter and Facebook.
* Cameron urged Twitter and Facebook to remove messages, images and videos that could incite more unrest across the country. "All of them should think about their responsibility and about taking down those images," he said.
V Google buys Motorola Mobility
* Google just announced that it is acquiringMotorola Mobility. The search and online advertising company is buying the company for approximately $12.5 billion (or $40 per share), in cash. The price represents a premium of 63 percent to the closing price of Motorola Mobility shares last Friday. Google had about $39 billion in cash at last count.
* The acquisition of Motorola Mobility, a dedicated Android partner, will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem and will enhance competition in mobile computing. Motorola Mobility will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open. Google will run Motorola Mobility as a separate business.
* It’s also a move to build up the company’s patent portfolio, he adds, as it will “enable us to better protect Android from anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies”.
* 17000 patents, 7500 pending patents (Google only had 1000 patents prior to this)
* Although announcement talks up Android and patents, Motorola Mobility also makes TV hardware
* Now fully vertically aligned like Apple
* If seen as purely as a patent buy, thats $18 billion on big patents this year alone
* Motorola Mobility is what used to be the Mobile Devices division of Motorola until January 2011.
* A few years ago, Motorola bet its future in the mobile devices market by going full Android, launching the “Droid” – initially on the Verizon network – on November 6, 2009. The “Droid X” and “Droid 2″ followed in 2010.
* Big question now is: how will HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Acer, Lenovo and other Android device makers respond to this news? -—quotes
* It’s all about defending Android - allegedly
V HP to buy Autonomy...and spin off hardware business!
* $10 billion for autonomy
* Spin off hardware...which includes web-os
* Post pc world, dominated by iPad and Apple, Google and Android - no profit in hardware for HP
* 250,000 touchpads unsold at best buy
* Look at IBM - top 5 company in world and mostly all software and services
V LinkedIn makes a dick move
* LinkedIn users are upset that the company has taken the Facebook approach in regards to online privacy with a recent change to the privacy policy. Under the guise of providing more privacy controlto the user, the social network has automatically opted-in its 100 million users into the social advertising program without informing them of the change beyond a blog post.
* When a LinkedIn user views a third-party advertisement on the social network, they will see user profile pictures and names of connections if that connection has recommended or followed a brand. Any time that a user follows a brand, they unwittingly become a cheerleader for the company or organization if it advertises through LinkedIn.
* In order to opt out of social advertising, the LinkedIn user has to take four steps to escape third-party advertisements:
* Hover over the user name in the top right hand corner of any LinkedIn page and click ‘Settings’. On the Settings page, click ‘Account’. On the Account tab, click ‘Manage Social Advertising’. Uncheck the box next to “LinkedIn may use my name, photo in social advertising.” and click the save button.
* Users also may want to opt out of receiving email from LinkedIn advertisers. This setting also allows LinkedIn advertising partners to spam users with promotions during email marketing campaigns if the user follows the brand. To opt out of this setting, click the Email Preferences tab and click on the ‘Turn on/off partner InMail’ link to locate the check box.
V Amazon Release Web Optimised Kindle Reader for pc’s...and iPad!
* Amazon may have changed its Kindle iOS app to comply with Apple's revised in-app subscription policy, but the retailer has now come out with its own, web-based alternative, known as the Kindle Cloud Reader. Compatible with both Chrome and Safari, the new app is essentially a browser version of the Kindle eBook reader, providing PC, Mac and Chromebook users with access to their digitized libraries.
* The tool also offers local storage, allowing for offline reading, though Amazon's device limit still applies, so if your library's already strewn across multiple gadgets, the app's reading functionality may be limited.
* The company unveiled the Cloud Reader today with relatively little fanfare or explanation, but its site highlights the service's main attractions, including its iPad optimization
* Build around the app store restrictions
* Interesting to remember that first iPhone had no iPhone and told developers to build web apps, now dev’s are building web app’s to get around Apple restrictions.
V Apple win suit to block Samsung 10.1 sales in Europe
* A new ruling by a regional court in Dusseldorf, Germany has granted Cupertino a preliminary injunction, blocking the sale and advertising of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 across Europe, save for the Netherlands.
* Samsung can still appeal the ruling -- in the meanwhile, however, the decision will stand. According to The Telegraph, the likely appeal will take about a month to be heard by the judge who granted the injunction.
* Samsung responded - The company notes that all products already distributed to retailers in Germany will not be affected by the decision. And naturally, Samsung promises to fight to have the injunction lifted.
* Looks really bad - Samsung didn’t defend themselves, Apple’s legal submissions look dubious (i.e. made up) and it’s now been reversed to just Germany
V Orange Film To Go
* Allows Orange customers to rent a free movie every week
* Text FILMTOGO to 85060 for redemption code
* Can be used on a Thursday, then normal iTunes rental conditions apply
* Although free, txt message costs 35p
V iPlayer updates for TV
* The app – launching initially on the Sony PlayStation 3 games console, which has run the browser-based version of iPlayer since 2008 – has been built from scratch and includes new features such as viewer recommendations. HTML5 based and will roll out to TV’s and connected devices over the coming months
* Daniel Danker, the BBC's general manager of programmes and on demand, said that iPlayer viewing on internet-connected TVs increased five fold in the six months to July, reaching 3.1m programme requests a month.
* "We're going beyond the tech-savvy. We're making iPlayer easier to use for the mainstream audience," Danker said. "With today's announcement, we're transforming iPlayer in its most natural home."
V Sony Price Cuts
* PS3 now cut to £199, street price may be £180
* a new cheaper version of its PSPhandheld console, with a price point of €99 will be launched before christmas
* won’t have wi-fi support and I still can’t see it getting sales
V Slimmer Cheaper Wii
* Nintendo will launch a redesigned Wii gaming console in Europe by the end of 2011.
* The updated console will be part of a new Wii bundle, which will include “the newly configured Wii console in white, a Wii Remote Plus controller, Nunchuk, and copies of Wii Sports and Wii Party,” the company announced Wednesday.
* The device will be cheaper and slimmer than the original Wii. Nintendo did not announce the bundle’s price or release pictures of the new Wii. The console also will be designed to stand horizontally rather than vertically like the current Wii. Additionally, the new Wii will not be backward compatible with Gamecube games.
V Onlive UK Launch Date
* Launches in UK on September 22nd
* OnLive has claimed that more than 100 "top tier" titles will be available from the launch date. It is yet to announce specific games, but has told the Guardian that it is in the process of licensing most of the catalogue currently available in the US. Many major publishers including Ubisoft, THQ and Square Enix have partnered with OnLive to make games such as Assassin's Creed, Homefront and Batman: Arkham Asylum available via the instant-play technology. However, the two biggest game publishers Electronic Arts and Activision have yet to announce any supporting titles.
* Users will be able subscribe for free at the official UK website. They can then choose to rent games for a limited periods, buy unlimited access to specific titles or pay a monthly fee to access the OnLive PlayPack Bundle, which gives unlimited access to a large chunk of the OnLive line-up. UK prices are yet to be announced, but in the US, most titles offer a three-day pass for $5.99, a five-day pass for $8.99 or a full price of $20-$60. The PlayPack bundle is $9.99 a month
* Can play on Mac, PC, iPad and Android tablets and via set top box
* Partnering with BT but will work on any broadband platform
* Still sceptical but time will tell
V Google+ Games
* Rolling out across the platform
* 16 games available initially
* Hopefully won’t pollute like facebook did
* It’s got Angry Birds!
V We’re coming out of the games drought
* Gears of War 3 - 20/09/11
* FIFA Soccer 12 - 30/09/11
* Forza - 14/10/11
* Batman: Arkham City - 21/10/11
* Battlefield 3 - 28/10/11
* Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - 02/11/11
* Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - 08/11/11
* The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 11/11/11
V Picks
V Ian
V Lion Tweaks
* The application has been developed to quickly turn off numerous exclusive features of Lion; the list includes, enable 2D-dock, remove system window animation, remove mail window animation, disable auto-spelling correction, change iCal and Address Book leather UI to aluminum look, enable permanent scrollbars, show hidden files, disable crash dialog popup.
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