DigitalOutbox 100308 - Podcast #039
V Welcome
V About
* Welcome to DigitalOutbox
* A podcast all about digital technology - computing, gadgets, gaming
* UK based podcast with a real world take on the digital trends
V Title Music
* Original music by Paul Fernihough - contact via twittter
V News
V BBC Cuts
* Websites to half - online budget cut by a quarter
* Six Music and Asian network - six music is great!
* Cut on import spending
* Max spend on sport events of £300m
* Link out to newspapers, pull out of teen market, appease commercial rivals
V Google Bosses Convicted
* Italian court has convicted three Google executives in a trial over a video showing an autistic teenager being bullied
* The Google employees were accused of breaking Italian law by allowing the video to be posted online
* Google removed the video within hours of being notified of its existence
* Convicted on privacy violations
* The UK's former Information Commissioner Richard Thomas said the case gave privacy laws a "bad name".
* Google will appeal
* Scan content before allowing viewing? Impossible. (20hrs every minute uploaded? 1200 employees would be needed just to keep up and that wouldn't cover the privacy issues raised in this case.)
V Europe Streetview Fight
* Europe wants Google to refresh google streetview images every 6 months instead of every 12
* They also want Google to tell people they will be taking pictures ahead of them doing it
* Switzerland is suing Google, asking for images of walled gardens and private streets to be deleted
* Google says if EU gets it's way "it would consider whether we want to drive through Europe again, because it would make the expense so draining".
V Facebook Granted News Feed Patent
* The world’s largest social network now own the patent for the news feed.
* Abstract: A method for displaying a news feed in a social network environment is described. The method includes generating news items regarding activities associated with a user of a social network environment and attaching an informational link associated with at least one of the activities, to at least one of the news items, as well as limiting access to the news items to a predetermined set of viewers and assigning an order to the news items. The method further may further include displaying the news items in the assigned order to at least one viewing user of the predetermined set of viewers and dynamically limiting the number of news items displayed.
* How can this be patented for something that was launched in 2006
* Flickr - news stream 2004, activity stream Jan 2006
* Twitter - July 2006
* Protective or aggressive?
V Google Granted Location-Based Advertising Patent
* Google was awarded last Tuesday a patent for location-based advertising, the potential bread and butter of a number of emerging mobile applications.
* covers using location for targeting, setting a minimum price bid for an ad, offering performance analytics, and modifying the content of an ad
* Now, companies like Yelp, Foursquare, Gowalla and BrightKite have to be wondering what this means for them, as do some of the established big-time players, like Facebook and Apple.
V Apple Goes After HTC
* Apple has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against the cell phone manufacturer.
* The suit involves “20 Apple patents related to the iPhone’s user interface, underlying architecture and hardware
* We can sit by and watch competitors steal our patented inventions, or we can do something about it. We’ve decided to do something about it. We think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours.
* certain mobile communication devices including cellular phones and smart phones, including at least phones incorporating the Android Operating System (collectively, “the Accused Products”).
* lawsuit was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) as well as in a U.S. District Court in Delaware suggests that Apple is really going for the jugular. “The ITC does not award damages,” says Peter Toren, a patent lawyer with New York City law firm Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman. The only remedy the ITC can award is an order to stop the importation of the infringing product. HTC is based in Taiwan.
* Looks like Google may get involved. This may call Apple's bluff. HTC getting the money of Google behind this lawsuit could lead to interesting results.
* Minority Report was out before the iPhone right? Seen as nearly all the gestures we use come from this concept (and no doubt other places before) they can go take a jump.
* This modern trend for patenting every single sneeze that happens during development is getting ridiculous - however the fact that US appear willing to grant the patents on those sneezes is even more farcical. It's a waste of money and time and we end up paying for it by more expensive products and also for a delay in tech innovation.
* Mobile industry is suing like no other at the moment - see this infographic from the NY Times
V iTunes App Crackdown
* 5000 app's and counting removed from AppStore
* Apple has changed policy on app's, removing an app if its overtly sexual
* Seeing as there is an age rating feature on the iPhone, why do this now?
* Probably a good move as more adult content could be found in lots of categories
* Phil speaks!“It came to the point where we were getting customer complaints from women who found the content getting too degrading and objectionable, as well as parents who were upset with what their kids were able to see”
* “When asked about the Sports Illustrated app, Mr. Schiller said Apple took the source and intent of an app into consideration. “The difference is this is a well-known company with previously published material available broadly in a well-accepted format,” he said.”
* Why do Playboy and Sports illustrated get a pass but 500 other app's don't?
* Why do things like comics and other app's get a 17 warning and Mobile Safari doesn't?
* Fix it so that these app's don't appear if your parental settings prohibit it
* Apple are getting themselves into tricker and tricker waters. Other main platforms all have better solutions.
- Android - free for all
- Win Mo 6.5 = controlled app store but anything goes if you want to install from other locations.
* Soon, they will control the sites you can visit on the internet. Then control the views you're allowed to have. Exclude people from using the products who aren't worthy. Where does this stop? They're as bad as China.
V iPad News
* April 3rd in US
* Pre-order wi-fi and 3G from March 12th but pick up wi-fi only from 3rd
* Late April in UK
* With sterling crashing, £400+ is expected price now
* Wall Street Journal will appear for iPad
* Penguin books show options for iPad - future of books?
* Another music streaming option for UK
* £4.99 a month for advert free, higher quality streaming of music
* Millions of tracks
* £9.99 - iPhone app support (which is free), Android coming soon
* Similar to Spotify - offline playlists, 192kbps, no adverts
V Browser Choice
* From 1st March millions of Windows users in Europe will get to choose their default browser
* Browser choices - Avant, Chrome, Firefox, Flock, Green Browser, Internet Explorer, K-meleon, Maxthon, Opera, Safari, Sleipnir, Slim
* Only guaranteed to see it if IE is default browser
* Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer browsers are randomly ordered on the first section of this screen.
* Lots of bitching still. Some complaining about sideways scroll to see lesser known browsers. Others complaining that 5 of the browsers use Trident (IE based renderer) 3 use Gecko 1 webkit and one opera based so not as much choice as it appears...
* Whats the best browser?
* Chrome apparently
V Virgin Media To Offer 100Mb Broadband in 2010
* Virgin Media to offer 100Mb/s by end of 2010
* No word on pricing
* Virgin currently offers three broadband packages: 10Mb/s, 20Mb/s and 50Mb/s, priced at £20, £30 and £38 per month on a broadband-only subscription.
* Also extending 200mb/s trial to Coventry
* Virgin Media's chief executive, Neil Berkett, said: "There is nothing we can't do with our fibre-optic cable network, and the upcoming launch of our flagship 100Mbps service will give our customers the ultimate broadband experience."
V PS3 - Fat Death
* Leap year bug prevents owners of pre-slim PS3s from logging in to PSN.
* We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.
* One day later...fixed
* Poor, poor show
V Sony PSP Phone and Tablet take on the iPhone
* Sony set to launch Sony Online Service to take on iTunes and provide games, music, films to PSP, Sony Ericsson phones and they're also planning a PSP phone and a tablet.
* Hopefully better than the PSP Go, and is it too little too late anyway?
V Picks
V Shakeel
V Words with Friends
* turn based Scrabble type word game
* over 500,000 players
* 20 simultaneous games
* £1.79 or Free
* invite friends through Facebook and Twitter
* very addictive
* some dirty sneaky cheaters cheesing me off though
* Our usernames - shweepa, cheesyuk, supershak, talkrhubarb
V Ian
V Plants vs Zombies
* Superb game for iPhone
* Perfect pick up, play, stop 20 mins later...or 2 hours
* 300,000 copies sold in.................9 days!
* More than $1 million in sales
V Henry
* Attachment Scanner for
* Don't you just hate it when you send an email referring to an attachment, but forget the attachment?
* That never need happen again with this mail plugin for OS X. It scans your email for words like attach, attachment, attached etc and if there's no attachment in those emails, it simply pops up a message box asking if you still want to send the message anyway.
* Simple, invisible, free.
V Chris
* Words with Friends
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V Henry
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