DigitalOutbox 091121 - Podcast #025
V Welcome
V About
* Welcome to DigitalOutbox
* A podcast all about digital technology - computing, gadgets, gaming
* UK based podcast with a real world take on the digital trends
V Title Music
* Original music by Paul Fernihough - contact via twittter
V News
V T-Mobile Staff Sold Customer Data
* Staff at mobile phone company T-Mobile passed on millions of records from thousands of customers, a spokesman for the firm has confirmed.
* Company did not know about this
* Exactly our point from last week - who watches the watchers
* The Data Protection Act bans the selling on of data without prior permission from the customer and a fine of £5,000 can be imposed following a successful prosecution.
V UK gov to free OS Maps
* We were pretty nasty to Sir Tim Berners Lee a few weeks ago when he admitted // were redundant, but the government has taken his advice to make the Ordnance Survey maps free to all from 2010.
* So credit where it's due: "Good job this time, Sir Tim!".
* Great news for developers and I'm already looking forward to new iphone apps.
V Chrome OS
* First, it’s all about the web. All apps are web apps. The entire experience takes place within the browser and there are no conventional desktop applications. This means users do not have to deal with installing, managing and updating programs
* focus on three things. Speed. Simplicity. Security.
* It takes about 7 seconds to to go the log-in screen. And another 3 seconds to log in to your application. And we’re working to make that faster.
* project opened up today a year ahead of release
* If in any doubt 1) browser is OS 2) it fixes itself 3) all apps are web apps - no installs 4) no drivers, won't install on current hardware - it only works with solid-state hard drives. It is meant for netbooks. Many hardware manufacturers are going to have to tweak their netbook designs to support Chrome OS 5) start up speed is truly impressive
* UI Concept Video
* Chrome OS vmware image free to download
V Digital Economy Bill
* Three strikes still in
* No broadband tax yet but that comes in the pre budget report
V Age ratings on video games to be made compulsory for all games aimed at players aged 12 and over
* Already thought they were - learn something new every day!
V New Twitter Ad network
* inserts ads once a day to your twitter stream.
* publishers choose which ads to approve
* A potential Google/microsoft acquistion?
* Chris wishes he had this idea
V Office 2010 Beta
* Five different packs we think
* Now comes in 64 bit
* Ribbon everywhere
* Sharepoint Workspace 2010 now part of the suite - want full Office 2010, you need sharepoint
* Can't access download site thought torrents and newsgroups have copies
V PS3 Firmware 3.10 - Facebook
* Out this week
* Pretty poor implementation - spam your facebook wall with trophies and achievements
* Worse than the pretty lame 360 Facebook app
V PS3 3D Next Year?
* 3D gaming confirmed as advantage of PS3
* All units firmware up-datable to support 3D
* Coming in 2010
V Microsoft Store
* OMFG - what were they thinking
* Trying to do a t-mobile viral video?
* Was that a theft half way through the video?
V Picks
V Ian
V Reeder
* Google reader app for the iPhone - £1.19
* Better than Byline
* quicker too, looks lovely
* get your feeds, star
V Henry
V Emotion
* Nice app for the mac
* Create graphics with a variety of input devices
V Chris
V Colour Scheme Designer 3.0
* For those of us who are not design minded but have to create web interfaces. Or even those people who are design minded but are lazy or looking for inspiration.
* Pick a starting colour and generate a colour pallet for your interface/website that is balanced.
* Fine grained control over the number of colours, variants, whether the colours are complimentary or balanced, how contrasty everything is etc. Tweak to your hearts content.
* See how different visual disabilities affect how people will see the colours.
* See how text overlay will look.
* Various export options, including HTML+CSS or XML
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V Henry
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