DigitalOutbox 090705 - Podcast #005
V Welcome
V About
* Welcome to DigitalOutbox
* A podcast all about digital technology - computing, gadgets, gaming
* UK based podcast with a real world take on the digital trends
V News
V Pirate Bay Sold
* Sold to Global Gaming Factory X
* Can buy shares in the company
* Going legit?
* Tracker to change
* Sold out on the surface with all illegal content to be removed....but Pirate Bay have argued for years that they don't host illegal content?
* Something doesn't smell right and Pirate Bay have loved to dance in the face of authorities in the past
* If it's all true it's Napster 2.0
V Mobile Charger Standardisation
* Across Europe, from 2010, 90% of phone producers will use MicroUSB as the standard way to charge your phone.
* At last - common sense
* Apple also on board but doubt they will drop the dock connector - another add-on perhaps?
V Palm Pre
* O2 Exclusive again - surprising - expected it would have went to a non iPhone carrier
* Palm Pre build issues - looks very poor
* Great new gadget site
* Not a blog but wikipedia/review site
* Great community already
* Forums are very busy - great potential
V Sick Microsoft Add
* IE8 advert which features projectile vomiting
* Ridiculous - who thought this was in any way good
* We blame Balmer
* Dean Cain - well remembered Shak!
V Apple News
* Steve Jobs is back
V Birdfeed for iPhone
* Nice, clean interface like Tweetie
* £2.99
* Has a caching mode
* Purplera1n released - jailbreak for iPhone 3GS
V Augmented Reality
* Makes use of 3GS compass
V Pocket Universe for iPhone 3GS
* Plot position of planet and stars
* Uses compass so as you turn the position of the stars are plotted
V Nearest Tube
* Plots where the nearest London tube station is
* Video shows best
V Games
V Worms 2
* Great game on Xbox Live Arcade
* Bargain for 800 MS points
V Battlefield 1942
* Out on the 8th July
* PS3 and Xbox 360
* 1200 MS Points or $9.99
* Based on four levels from Battlefield 1942
V Rolando 2
* Out now but not bought...yet. looks very good.
V Zenonia
* Zelda'esque game
* Good ratings
* Again we've not bought...yet
V Japanese Robots
* How cool are these
V Raptor Photo
* Great picture of a supersonic fly by
V MobileMe
* Lot's of features but questionable value
V Other options to replace MobileMe
* Dropbox
* G-Mail
* Flickr
V Calender sync via Google Calendar
* Using CalDAV in iCal and iPhone
* LogMeIn
* XMarks
* Renew in a few months but have switched off MobileMe and replaced with above services
* Advantage of MobileMe is that it's very easy to set-up compared to free services
* Also can't replace Find My iPhone with anything else
* Will report back in 3-4 weeks on how I got on
* Can buy MobileMe cheaper on Amazon - £45 - not that bad really
V Picks
V GeekTool
* Great customisation tool for the Mac
* Flexible way of showing system information on your desktop
* Also show images, internet info etc
* It's free!
* Doesn't seem to impact on performance
V Flogr
* Photoblog software that displays your pictures from Flickr
* Easy to setup - upload to website and add in your Flickr ID
* Can pull back all photo's, a set or a certain tag
* Front end can be fully customised
* See mine here
V Feedback
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V Shakeel
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